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References - Previous projects

On this page you can see references from our previous projects, where we have used underwater cameras for special tasks and developed special systems and equipment for the purpose.

Our competencies range widely and our own quality requirements are high. Our goal is to develop the most optimal solution every time, without defects or patch solutions in detail. At LH Camera, we are passionate about the different and very specific tasks for small or large projects. We are incredibly detail-oriented and draw on our broad and in-depth knowledge of both underwater cameras, servers, recording equipment, underwater accessories and knowledge of needs in the various maritime industries.

Are you in doubt about which equipment would best suit your project or how we can possibly develop the most optimal solution? You are always welcome to contact us on 71 99 71 80 or  info@lh-camera.dk for mere info.

Live streaming harbour porpoise and sound from the Little Belt Straits

LH Camera supplied a video server solution with an underwater video camera and LED underwater lamps to “Lytteposten”, a listening station in a wheelhouse recovered from an old fishing vessel. The monitoring station is set up at the Old Port of Middelfart in Denmark. Aarhus University and Nature Park Little Belt’s Listening Post project focuses on the relatively dense population of harbour porpoise in the Little Belt Straits.

The solution comprises an internet-based video server system that operates two underwater lamps as required and constantly captures video images from two video cameras mounted on a steel structure submerged in the Little Belt Straits. In addition to entertaining local people and visitors, the system gives Aarhus University a unique opportunity to live stream underwater video via the university’s website. Everyone can now see what is going on in the waters off the Little Belt coast.

Nekton Mission Seychelles

LH-Camera has delivered two Video Multiplexes for the Nekton Mission 2019 in the Seychelles to provide stereoscopic video recordings for research use.

The inquiry came from the University of Oxford, whether it was possible to produce two recording devices for stereoscopic recordings down to 500 meters depth at the Seychelles. We designed a video multiplexer with 4 HD camera connections that allows them to record HD video, with simultaneous live feed to the surface. The units were mounted on an ROV to document the wildlife in the depth.


Nekton logo

Early in 2017, LH-Camera was asked to produce a video system for use in connection with wind turbine construction offshore.

We were contacted by multinational offshore construction specialists GeoSea and agreed to meet at their office in Bremen. GeoSea sought to avoid hazardous situations occurring during offshore wind turbine construction when personnel have to move under and close to large wind turbine segments while they are hoisted down on cranes. GeoSea had come up with a solution but were looking for specialists to customise a video system for them.

LH-Camera produced a portable video system comprising 10 HD cameras that are attached by means of strong magnets inside wind turbine segments while they are hoisted from the supply vessel to their final location on the seabed.

Images are transmitted via a wireless connection to a mobile container on the deck of the supply vessel that functions as a control room. From here, the operator monitors 10 live video images from the inside of the wind turbine segments. The images are focused on tools and the flange, over which the segments are assembled. The operator guides the crane as it moves segments into the correct position without the fitters having to move in close. The system effectively minimises the risk of injury.

Live subsea video from M/F Ærøsund

Project Manager Lars Seidelin and Associate Professor Magnus Walberg from The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) contacted LH-Camera. They asked if it is possible to develop a video system that can live stream subsea video from a sunken ferry and transmit the images ashore. The parties, SDU and LH-Camera, then put their heads together. We at LH-Camera initially clarified needs and wishes in connection with showing live video from an underwater camera.

SDU wanted to fit subsea cameras and lamps to the sunken ferry M/F Ærøsund. The vessel was laid to rest on the seabed on 5 October 2014 and is intended to become an artificial reef and a destination for divers in the South Funen Archipelago.

SDU set about building a self-sufficient supply raft. Batteries mounted on the raft are powered by solar panels and a wind turbine on the raft itself. The raft was then anchored to the sunken ferry below it.

SDU asked LH-Camera to deliver a robust video system that can withstand the tough, aggressive environment on the anchored raft, from which it will make wireless live video transmissions from the subsea cameras to a distant point on land. SDU also wanted a system that allows them to switch a series of subsea lamps on and off as needed.

LH-Camera developed a video system to meet these specifications. M/F Ærøsund is now fitted with three subsea cameras and video lamps. There is a fourth camera on the raft. The stationary cameras and lamps are connected via cables to a permanent transmission system on the raft, which live streams images at the surface.

The Galathea 3 Expedition

Peter Roepstorff – professor of protein chemistry at Syddansk Universitet (University of Southern Denmark) – and his research team borrowed underwater video equipment from LH Camera for the research project “Fluorescent Proteins” in connection with the Galathea 3 expedition.

The scope of the research project was to find new, fluorescent proteins in the ocean. The video camera was equipped with a filter that made it possible to see if animals and plants were fluorescent when they were illuminated with ultraviolet light. It turned out that the video camera with it’s high light sensitivity was particularly useful for this project.

Peter and his team recorded several hours of underwater video on the mobile hard disk while diving off the Solomon Islands and the Virgin Islands where they found a wealth of fluorescent organisms that they didn’t even know existed.

DTU Aqua

LH Camera has provided underwater video cameras to DTU (Denmark’s Technical University) Aqua where they use them e.g. in connection with marine biological studies about the behavior of codfish around wrecked ships in the North Sea.

DTU Aqua (previously Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser; the Danish Fisheries Research Institute) is a department at Denmark’s Technical University.

DTU Aqua works with research, consulting, education, innovation and communication regarding the sustainable use of live resources in the ocean and in freshwater bodies. The department is a consultant to the Danish Ministry of Foods and other public authorities, the fishing and aquaculture professions and internal commissions.

dtu logo

Wide Open Outdoor Film by Niels Vestergaard

LH Camera has sold underwater video cameras to one of Denmark’s best recreational angling authors and fish film producers, Niels Vestergaard from Salar Publishers & Wide Open Outdoor Film. Niels uses underwater cameras to show fish behavior in many of his exciting fish films, e.g. in the series Sea Trout Secrets.

I am a recreational angler myself and do many different kinds of fishing – it is my great interest in and passion for recreational angling that creates both films and books.
– Quote: Niels Vestergaard, Salar Publishers & Wide Open Outdoor Film

Salar Publishers publish books and Wide Open Outdoor Film produces films about recreational angling.

You can buy the films and books at sporting goods stores that sell fishing equipment, online as well as in all the bookstores in the country.


Odense Zoo

LH Camera has supplied underwater video cameras to DTU Aqua, where they i.a. used in connection with marine biological studies of the cod’s behavior around shipwrecks in the North Sea.

DTU Aqua (formerly the Danish Fisheries Research Institute) is a department at the Technical University of Denmark.

DTU Aqua works with research, consulting, education, innovation and dissemination within sustainable utilization of the sea and the fresh.

The North Sea Oceanarium in Hirtshals

Early in 2008 we at LH Camera had the pleasure of visiting the North Sea Oceanarium in Hirtshals, Denmark, to demonstrate our underwater camera. The North Sea Oceanarium already had an underwater camera but they were looking for a better quality camera. The camera is used when a diver feeds the fish in the Oceanarium. We were proud to deliver a good quality underwater camera to a customer who greatly appreciates quality.

It is impressive to see the Oceanarium with its 4,500 million liters of sea water and 2-3000 fish, including the two sunfish Anton and Andrea.

In the Oceanarium, the diver hand feeds the fish at feeding time.

The diver is equipped with an underwater camera and films what he experiences so it is possible for the visitors to get very close.


Underwater cameras for special tasks

As we are aware that the equipment must often be used to measure or observe data, we use cameras that provide the sharpest image with minimum latency when watching live. The equipment is robust and will be able to handle surprises and challenges it may face underwater.

Solutions with underwater equipment

Our equipment can be used for a wide range of tasks. For example, it could be a live streaming of the underwater camera, to know if a contractor task is being performed correctly in real time.

We make extensive use of our underwater equipment to study marine life, such as plant growth and wildlife. These data are used for research to maintain flora, fauna and maritime habitat in our garden. With our equipment, we are expanding the opportunities to get in depth with marine research.

Adapted to complex needs

Your research project or need as a professional diver or engineer can be quite unique and perhaps never seen before. This is no case for LH Camera, which is keen to think innovatively in how underwater equipment and cameras can be developed most effectively for the situation in question. Here we enjoy being part of the development in underwater technology, contributing to research and supporting projects that develop solutions for clean and sustainable gardens. We love working in close collaboration with passionate people who are passionate about their projects and who every day help to develop Denmark and Europe from the seabed, through engineering projects, commercial diving, fish farming and much more.

Advice in equipment by specialists

Underwater equipment can seem complex and the need can be incredibly specific. To ensure that you get the best solution for your project, we offer expert advice from specialists who have worked with underwater equipment and maritime industries for many years. Do not hesitate to contact us and get professional support to design your project. That way you do not end up with general products that do not meet your needs.